Bernhard Friedrich
Bernhard Friedrich is Full Professor at Technische Universität Braunschweig and Director of the Institute of Transportation and Urban Engineering. He is member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering – German Research Society for Road and Traffic Engineering (Committee for Urban Traffic Management, Committee for Traffic Theory and Subcommittee for Optimization and Decision Methods), Automotive Research Centre Niedersachsen, Landesverkehrswacht Niedersachsen (Scientific Board), Zeitschrift Straßenverkehrstechnik (Scientific Board), Association of European Operational Research Societies, Working Group on Transport (Scientific Committee), Chair of forthcoming 21st EURO Working Group Meeting 2018, ITS Bavaria (Honorary Member of the Board), German Association of Transport Sciences (DVWG), and Vereinigung der Straßenbau- und Verkehrsingenieure in Bayern E.V.
He has experience in Traffic Theory, focused in Models for the Estimation of Origin-Destination Matrices, Stochastic Queuing Models, Traffic Flow Theory, Microscopic Simulation Models and Traffic Control Models; Planning and Design, specifically in Regional Planning, Urban Development Plans, Design of Road Facilities and Participation in Urban Planning Competitions; and also Traffic Control, namely Traffic Management Strategies, System Architectures and Development of Commercial Traffic Control Software for Urban Networks and Motorways.
Through his academic career, he coordinated 58 Dissertations and authored/co-authored more than 150 Articles in Journals, Conference Proceedings and Reports on Research Projects. He was distinguished with BMW Scientific Award in 1999 and with Max-Erich Feuchtinger and Bruno Wehner Denkmünze Award from the German Road and Transportation Research Association in 2002.